
    Transform Your Passion into

    Purpose & Impact

    Get Profit Savvy


    Hello and Welcome

    Empowering Creative Companies

    We Help You to Master Your Money to Take Control of Your Future

    broken image


    About Us


    With decades of experience in financial management and a passion for empowering creative success, I help you turn your artistic vision into a thriving, financially secure reality


    The founder and managing director of Business Bright, Ally O'Meally-Watson is a Chartered Management Accountant (CIMA). She has over 30 years of accountancy experience within the UK working with companies such as award-winning, Blackburn's Design Consultants (London), Amani Jones Limited - Handbag Designers, Clean Break Theatre Company, The Welsh National Opera, Cinetig films and more.


    Ally is also a director and chair of Winding Snake Productions. She recently started working with the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean as a finance coach.


  • Get Profit Savvy

    The GPS of Your Future


    A 3 Month Private 1 to 1 Coaching Programme to Sky Rocket Your Confidence in Managing Your Cash Flow

    & to Develop Your Profitable Recurring Revenue Strategy to Increase Your Cash In Flow & Add Stability to Your Business



    Why is Cash Management So Important?


    Cash flow management is vital for your creative business as it keeps your operations running smoothly. It helps you avoid cash shortages and plan for expenses, preventing financial hiccups. If you are lucky enough to have a cash surplus, cash flow management helps you plan for investment and expansion.


    With a clear cash flow forecast, you can make informed decisions, whether it's cutting costs or expanding your business. It's the compass that ensures your business sails steadily through financial waters.


    Strategic Cash Flow Management is about planning your future, so you can be intentional rather than reactionary

    Why is Profitable Recurring Revenue so Important?

    Recurring revenue means that a part of your business brings in regular income. This not only boosts your turnover and profitabilty, but helps boost you cash flow confidence as you know a certain amount of money is coming in every month to cover your fixed expenses. It also helps with customer loyalty, increased valuation, risk reduction and growth potential.


    Are you ready to transform your business's financial trajectory in a unique and engaging way?





    Join me for 12 weeks of coaching where we'll blend the art of business finance by teaching you how to monitor and manage your current cash flow, with the excitement of crafting a brighter future for your creative enterprise through recurring revenue streams.


    Whether you're navigating cash flow challenges or optimizing your surplus to achieve a life of freedom and adventure, our coaching program is designed to help creative women like you take control of your finances, live the life you want, and build a thriving legacy business


    Ready to transform your financial stress into clarity and control?


    Get Profit Savvy

    Get Profit Savvy is a 12-week coaching journey designed to empower creative women like you to understand your finances, create stable cash flow to eliminate anxiety, and confidently plan for profit for legacy and growth.


    What You’ll Get:

    • 12 x 60-90 minute 1 to 1 weekly coaching sessions during which we build your Customised Financial Roadmap to financial stabilty and your ideal lifestyle.
    • Each weekly coaching session ends with a money date to track your weekly cashflow so you always know where you are financially.
    • Your own Fearless Financial Navigator Tool: This exclusive tool helps implement Proactive Profit Planning. Move from reactive firefighting to proactive financial management with clear, actionable steps:
    1. Figure out your ideal salary by creating a simple personal budget
    2. Plan your team costs, current or future
    3. Create your business budget operating expenses and assess your income streams for profitability
    4. Brainstorm recurring income streams, look at pricing and their break even points & profitability.
    5. We then go on to build your 12-36 month cash flow forecast, so you’re never get caught off guard and can pay yourself, your team and all your bills & taxes. You'll have this tool to use for future scenario planning.
    6. Implement a simple weekly cash flow clarity routine with our template
    7. Optional Ongoing Support: We’re not just about one-time fixes. We’ll be with you every step of the way for an extra 9 months via 3 quarterly 30-minute calls. These could be used to check on progress, troubleshoot issues, or recalibrate your financial roadmap.


    Why It Works:

    Creatives often find finance daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. We break down complex concepts into simple, manageable steps that make sense and resonate with your creative spirit. By the end of the program, you’ll not only understand your numbers—you’ll feel empowered by them.


    Who’s It For?

    If you’re a creative woman who’s tired of the stress and uncertainty around your finances, this program is for you. If you want to get out of confusion and get a better handle on your money, Get Profit Savvy (GPS) will empower you with the gentle weekly guidance, accountability and tools you need to thrive.


    Already running a successful business with cash to spare? We can still help, let’s take it to the next level. G.P.S can help you strategically manage your finances, scale your business, and even plan for a life that lets you work from anywhere in the world. Discover how to make your money work for you, so you can focus on living your dream.



    • Improved Cash Flow Management: Gain control over your cash flow with a clear, organized plan.
    • Increased Financial Stability: Learn how recurring revenue can create a more predictable and stable income stream.
    • Actionable Insights: Leave with practical, easy-to-implement strategies that will immediately benefit your business.
    • Tailored Support: Receive personalized guidance based on your unique business needs.
    • A dedicated Goal Setting time, take time out to grow your business
    • Identify, potential shortages so you can plan for contingencies
    • Help you with borrowing decisions if needed
    • Spend time with me ... You'll have us to brainstorm with.
    • Secure Financing: The roadmap can help to support loan applications by presenting clear, organized financial projections.
    • Build a Business Plan in Numbers: Your roadmap helps create a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with your business strategy.
    • Test Viability of Ideas: The roadmap allows you to model different business scenarios, ensuring you can assess the potential profitability of your ideas.
    • Track and Manage Cash Flow: You'll have a clear understanding of your cash flow needs for the next 12 months.
    • Use the Financial Navigator Tool: The tool will store and organize all spreadsheets for easy reference and adjustments. 

    Essential Practical Resources Included:

    • "Profit First for Creatives" Book worth £13.79:

    Purpose: A comprehensive guide tailored to creative professionals, helping them manage their finances

    • Financial Navigator Tool & Course For Future Reference worth $99:

    Purpose: A customizable tool for calculating the break-even point and analyzing different recurring revenue scenarios, plus a cash flow planner, giving you a clear roadmap for your financial planning. 

    • Includes unlimited email, DMs or Voxer support to answer any questions that may come to you in between your coaching sessions.

    Fun Bonus:

    • A beautifully designed Fearless notebook to jot down your goals and ideas from our coaching sessions
    • Colored post it notes & markers for flexible, visual planning in your notebook

    Why Invest:

    • Value-Driven: This is an investment in your business's financial health and growth, providing you with tools that will continue to benefit you long after the session ends.
    • Long-Term Impact: By implementing recurring revenue streams, you’re not just managing cash flow—you’re actively increasing it.

    What Makes GPS So Unique?

    With GPS, you get more than just financial strategies—you gain the clarity, mindset shifts, and confidence needed to thrive as a creative business owner. Imagine knowing exactly where your money is going, how much to pay yourself, and how to plan for growth without the guesswork. You'll finally move away from reactionary, last-minute financial decisions and take proactive control over your business.


    1. Master Your Cash Flow: Learn how to build and manage a rolling 13-week cash flow forecast, ensuring you always know what’s coming in, what’s going out, and how to plan for the future.
    2. Roadmap to Success: You’ll have a clear financial roadmap tailored to your goals. This isn’t just a one-time plan—it’s a system you can follow month after month to track your progress and adapt to new opportunities.
    3. Confidence Boost: With your finances organized, you’ll experience a shift in mindset—from fear and anxiety to confidence and control. You’ll stop feeling like you’re just getting by and start knowing how to build wealth in your business.
    4. Eliminate Guesswork: No more surprises when it comes to paying bills, staff, or yourself. You’ll know exactly what your numbers mean, and be able to test new ideas with real data.
    5. Financial Peace of Mind: Stop the sleepless nights and constant worry over money. With GPS, you’ll know how much money you need, where it’s going, and how to make sure you have enough for both your business and personal needs.
    6. Ongoing Support: You’ll receive a full 12 months of continued support and quarterly check-ins to make sure you’re still following your roadmap and making adjustments as needed.


    Three Payment Options

    Option 1: Best Value 2 Payments

    • £250 – First month's payment plus
    • £2747 – Final one-time payment (total program cost: £2997)

    Option 2: 4 payments

    • £250 – First month's payment plus
    • £967 – Three monthly payments (total program cost: £3151)

    Option 3: 12 Monthly Payments

    • £250 – First month’s payment plus
    • £277 – 11 monthly payments (total program cost: £3297)

    We have designed the payment options so that the first month acts as a trial period which includes the first full 4 coaching sessions of the GPS program.


    All options offer the first month at £250, with the ability to cancel if you decide the program is not for you. Plus you can keep all resources that you receive in the first 30 days.


    Get Started Today!

    Let’s turn your financial worries into winning strategies. Ready to take the leap? Book a free, no obligation Cash Consult Call to ensure this is the right program for you to start your journey to fearless financial confidence.




    A Profitability & Cash Flow Review & Report before we start your coaching program

    We review your current profitability and cash flow.

    Identify areas of strength and potential risks.

    Gain a clear understanding of your financial inflows and outflows.


    Next Steps:

    • If you need to to learn more request the Get Profit Savvy programme outline at ally@businessbright.co.uk
    • Or book a free 15 minute Cash Consult Or 40 minute Cash Management Money Date to learn how to manage your cash flow weekly, always know where you are (limited free spots each month).




    Client Testimonials


    'I met Ally in the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Caribbean training program for Jamaican Entrepreneurs. Going into the program, I had a basic knowledge of accounting. I wasn't confident in reading financial reports, and what reports were most beneficial in monitoring cash flow, "real profit," cost savings or waste.


    I wanted a financial mentor since financial planning was a valuable skill necessary to scale and grow my business, but I was not prepared for the impact Ally would have on my business and my mindset. Each week we would meet for advisory sessions, where I would outline strategies and prospects for revenue, and Ally would give advice. She stressed the importance of planning and understanding the actual cost associated with my services.

    Ally emphasized measuring the financial health of my business by tracking my cash flow using agile reporting templates. She coached me with demonstration and practice to understand budgeting and forecasting, that cash is king, and that there are distinct differences between sales, profits, and cash, in how they affect business growth. I no longer feel like a rookie in financial planning due to Ally's mentorship.

    I am more enthusiastic about reading my financials monthly because now it makes better sense for the growth of my company, and I now have better financial goals in mind. I use my accounting system differently now; ensuring accurate data input provides me with the correct reports and balances synced with my bank.

    Thanks to Ally, I can confidently use financial terms, whether basic accounting or top-level economic language when speaking with financial institutions. Ally gave me more than just financial mentorship; she gave me financial confidence and better business health''.

    Every business needs an "Ally" - Stacy-Ann Wilson Odem Creative Media Limited

     '....My subsequent 1-2-1 with Ally was great to begin setting up some important financial documents, creating annual and monthly targets to check that I'm on track and make sure that I am making my business is working for me. Thank you Ally for your knowledge and encouragement'.

    —Clarice Price Thomas Jewellery Designer/Maker



    We work primarily with women and creative entrepreneurs who are looking to grow and want some help getting savvy about the money side of their business


    Why Business Bright?

    • Ally, the founder of Business Bright has 30 + years of accounting for businesses of all sizes from sole traders, limited companies to non profits and start-ups and they have been mainly creative companies.
    • Ally is a qualified chartered management accountant - CIMA
    • She ran Kumon Maths and English Tuition Centres in Cardiff & Newport in Wales, UK for more than 15 years so knows how to teach figures to the fearful but ambitious.
    • She loves finance, creativity and is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs to grow by their numbers



    Trial period: First month at £250, with the ability to cancel if you decide the program is not for you. You'll have the first full month of coaching as part of the GPS program, plus you can keep all resources that you receive in the first 30 days.

    Your Business Finance Ally x

    Free 15 Minute Cash Consult on Zoom

    Free 15 Minute Cash Consult on Zoom

    Let's shape your business future together!​
    Select date and time
    Event time zone:Pacific/Midway GMT-11:00
    Book Now  
  • Cash Confidence Power Session

    For Creatives in a Cash Flow Crunch



    Book a 3-hour 1 on 1 Cash Confidence Power Session and walk away with a 13-week rolling cash flow plan and weekly support to keep you on track.


    A 13-week cash flow model forecasts your business weekly cash inflows and outflows over a period of 13 weeks.


    This type of forecast covers a total period of 13 weeks, but it goes into great detail for each of the weeks so you know where your business will be in two, four, or twelve weeks.


    Pre-Session Preparation

    Client Intake Form: Before the session, we will meet you on Zoom to fill out a quick intake form that captures your current financial situation, biggest cash flow challenges, goals, and any immediate concerns.

    Personalized Analysis: We will then review your intake form, bank statements, or any financial documents to understand your cash flow patterns and identify key areas to focus on during the power session

    Power Session Part 1: Financial Snapshot

    • Cash Flow Health Check: We quickly analyze your current cash flow situation.
    • Identify Key Issues: We then pinpoint the major cash flow pain points (e.g., late payments, inconsistent income, or high expenses) and discuss their impact.
    • Coffee Break

    Power Session Part 2: Short Term Cash Flow Strategy


    We develop a Short Term Cash Flow Strategy: Create a tailored cash flow plan for the next 3 months, focusing on quick wins and adjustments that can boost cash inflows or manage outflows.

    • Recurring Income Ideas: Brainstorm and outline possible recurring revenue streams suited to your business model, providing practical steps to get started.
    • Pricing & Profit Analysis: Quick evaluation of current pricing strategies, profit margins, and cost structure, with recommendations for optimization.


    Part 3: Ongoing Weekly Support for Four Weeks After Your Power Session


    Four, 30 minute Cash Flow Checkins to help get you into the routine of tracking your cash flow weekly.




    Just £540 or 3 x £197


  • Spring




    January 2025: Free Cash Flow Mastery Challenge

    February 2025: Free Business Bright Book Club Meet


    Email Ally@businessbright.co.uk for details

  • Client Testimonials


    The Fearless Finance workshop with Ally really was an eye opener into how important and useful it can be to understand the financial side of your business even though from the off set it can appear daunting. It has helped me to see how I can begin marking my progress and understand my business in more depth to allow me to understand it's capabilities for growth. My subsequent 1-2-1 with Ally was great to begin setting up some important financial documents, creating annual and monthly targets to check that I'm on track and make sure that I am making my business is working for me. Thank you Ally for your knowlededge and encouragement.


    —Clarice Price Thomas Jewellery Designer/Maker


    Ally worked for over a year as a financial consultant on the New Creative Markets Programme. Her specialist knowledge and experience of working with businesses in the creative industries allowed her to quickly build confidence with the artists and designers. She delivered excellent 'Fearless Finance' workshops that were accessible to businesses at various stages of growth and engaged participants through visual mapping. She worked with businesses on a 121 basis and received consistently good feedback. I would highly recommend Ally as a consultant for creative businesses and her work on the New Creative Markets Programme has had a measurable impact.

    -www.spacestudios.org.uk and Lena Nix - Artist Development Manager


    Ally is great person to work with and her financial skills and knowledge has helped BDC develop its financial management arrangements from financial planning, monitoring and projecting through to the statement of accounts. She puts a lot of effort and time into assisting my office manage the income and expenditure accounts throughout the year giving solid quarterly advice, financial information and benchmarking for key performance factors that we agree which is invaluable in successfully running my business and projecting to the end of year statement of accounts.


    —Byron Davies OBE, Managing Director BDConsulting (UK)


    Allocating the time to your business plan just doesn't seem to happen when you are busy working on a day by day basis. However, working with Ally from Business Bright on our business planning process has been of such a huge benefit to JacBee and a great way of making you as a business take some dedicated time out to focus, discuss and more importantly plan'.


    —Victoria Beesley, Co-Director, JacBee Ltd http://www.jacbee.co.uk/


    Business Bright make a refreshing change to the usual accountancy firms, taking a keen interest in the intricacies of our business over and above the routine number crunching. Our regular review meetings definitely add value and help us to shape our ongoing business marketing and development plans


    —Ronsons Restaurants (Herb & Ellies)


    Before I started working with Ally on my Financial Roadmap, I was hesitant because I already had a bookkeeper and accountant on my team. However, after my initial chat with Ally, I found that she didn’t use too much jargon and made it all really easy for me to understand my business numbers.


    The feature that I loved most about the program was that I became crystal clear (well almost) about what my financial statements actually meant and Ally found some errors in my accounts that I was not aware of. Together, we quickly got my accounting system up to date and sorted and I also had a set of forecasts so that I could secure much needed additional funding. I can now track my progress and grow my company with greater confidence. By the way, I increased by income by 95% and reduced my business expenditure by 25% so far since starting our financial strategy sessions. 


    I certainly would recommend the Financial Roadmap Program to anyone that is scared stiff about financials, doesn’t understand their accounts and doesn’t know what questions to ask their bookkeeper/accountant.   


    I now have  Ally as my monthly finance coach which has been invaluable because I  get to sit down with her every month. She prepares my management reports and talks me through my statements as well as being a sounding board for my non-financial business issues and ideas. 


    - Alex Palma - Kina Events, London


    What people say about the Right-Brain Business Planning Course:


    This course helped me re-energize and align my vision, purpose and actions. In fact, engaging in this class got me so inspired again about my business that I found myself in action implementing my plan while simultaneously creating it! Results are already materializing.

    — Amy Egenberger, Spirit Out!, Inc, www.spiritout.com


    Approaching the writing of a business plan with a right-brain creative aspect makes it less intimidating and more inspiring. It certainly isn't boring! I think the creative approach makes it more personal.


    The best aspect for me in this class is feeling that I have a better direction for my business. It pushed me to move in a direction that I've been contemplating for almost a year."


    —Amy Crawley, Amy A. Crawley Fine Art, www.amyacrawley.com


    "I've written business plans before, but this helped me do it in a way that let me stay in the right mindset for the project. The old ways felt like trapping the creative flow in false structure that misled me. But my Right-Brain Business Plan® not only provides structure, it provides inspiration and puts me in the right (ha!)mindset."


    —Tori Deaux, The Circus Serene, www.circusserene.com

    "I definitely appreciate the fact that this course emphasizes and acknowledges how important visuals are to the right brain person. This concept really helps me stay focused and interested in the planning process of my business. Phew! This is the furthest I have ever gone in the planning process. I typically don't make it past reading the two words, ‘executive summary'."


    — Lisa Hause, Lisa Hause Photography, www.lisahause.com


    "If you don't have a plan for your business, you need one. If you want to have fun learning how to develop a plan, take this course. This course takes the ‘scare factor' out of creating a business plan."

    —Tracey Asai, Tracey Asai Designs, www.traceyasaidesigns.com


    'I learned a great deal about how to put profit first, plus how to keep my artistic integrity and pursue the gap between a financially viable commercial photographic career and a flourishing art practice.

    Thanks for the financial documents - these are great! It’s really helpful to see these figures down on paper; it frees up space in my head to get on with the creativity!! Finally, I can see a financial future!'


    —Karen Roswell Photography 



    'I met Ally in the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Caribbean training program for Jamaican Entrepreneurs. Going into the program, I had a basic knowledge of accounting. I wasn't confident in reading financial reports, and what reports were most beneficial in monitoring cash flow, "real profit," cost savings or waste.


    I wanted a financial mentor since financial planning was a valuable skill necessary to scale and grow my business, but I was not prepared for the impact Ally would have on my business and my mindset. Each week we would meet for advisory sessions, where I would outline strategies and prospects for revenue, and Ally would give advice. She stressed the importance of planning and understanding the actual cost associated with my services.


    Ally emphasized measuring the financial health of my business by tracking my cash flow using agile reporting templates. She coached me with demonstration and practice to understand budgeting and forecasting, that cash is king, and that there are distinct differences between sales, profits, and cash, in how they affect business growth. I no longer feel like a rookie in financial planning due to Ally's mentorship.


    I am more enthusiastic about reading my financials monthly because now it makes better sense for the growth of my company, and I now have better financial goals in mind. I use my accounting system differently now; ensuring accurate data input provides me with the correct reports and balances synced with my bank.

    Thanks to Ally, I can confidently use financial terms, whether basic accounting or top-level economic language when speaking with financial institutions. Ally gave me more than just financial mentorship; she gave me financial confidence and better business health''.

    Every business needs an "Ally"


    - Stacy-Ann Wilson Odem Creative Media Limited


  • For the Love of Art

    Money Insights to Grow Your Creative Business

    December 16, 2023